When I was a little girl, I used to marvel at my brother’s snack. He ate peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches, washed down, as I recall, with glasses of milk.
Then I tried the combo. Pretty good! The chief food oddity in my family has always been what remains today as a favorite of mine: Baked beans, hot, with a big slab of cold cottage cheese on top. The texture, along with the hot beans and cool dairy, makes for a delicious combination. The dish is rather disgusting in my husband's eyes, and I can understand why. It’s odd. My mother used to make mincemeat pies and while I was never fond of them, I did like the spicy way they smelled. When you think of it, beef, sugar, spices, raisins and apples make a rather odd combination. Yet one church in Spiceland churns jars of mincemeat out each fall as a fundraiser and sells out. Truth is, I now would gladly eat mincemeat pie if for no other reason than it would remind me so much of my mother, who would be 102, bless her soul. My grandma liked pickled pigs feet that you bought in a glass jar. They looked to me like medical specimens. Yuk! Do they still sell those? Maybe with a dollop of cottage cheese though … What strange food combinations or unusual foods do you enjoy in your family? What is the weirdest food you have ever tried?